From mid-September 2023 until the end of June 2024, we have the pleasure to welcome Megan Friel from Nebraska, Colorado, as a foreign language assistant (“Fremdsprachenassistentin“) at the BBS OHZ. Not only will she participate in our lessons and give us a closer understanding of the United States and American culture, she is also eager to learn as much about her host country and its culture – both on and off campus- as fits into one school year.
Amongst others, Megan is looking forward to
- our career orientation fair (“BOT“) in October 2023
- two theatre performances by the Irish touring company “Wilde Shamrock“ on 29th and 30th November 2023
- our “Environment and Sustainability Fair 2024“
- an EU simulation game on the European election
- a variety of course trips, excursions to museums, boating trips, cycling tours etc.
Enjoy yourself and make the most of your stay!
Dr. Birte Sause